Currently reading

Darkover: First Contact
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Another Rock Star
Paula Coots
Progress: 53 %
Three Men in a Boat
Jerome K. Jerome
The Complete Sherlock Holmes with an introduction from Robert Ryan
Robert Ryan, Arthur Conan Doyle
Progress: 7 %
Marion Zimmer Bradley
currently reading
Paula Coots
Jerome K. Jerome
currently reading
Robert Ryan, Arthur Conan Doyle
January 2016
read and rated
reviewed: Not as good as the first one.
K.J. Charles is without a doubt one of the most solid writers of historical m/m. I know there are others out there and I woul...
A Seditious Affair - K.J. Charles
November 2015
read and rated
reviewed: Quite Good
This book is quite deceptive in the way it lures you in with thinking there's just something in the past that is this tragic ...
Planetfall - Emma Newman
October 2015
read and rated
reviewed: Waiting for Kai-Ren. Again.
This whole series should have been called ‘Waiting for Kai-Ren’, because that is pretty much all that happens and in both Dar...
Darker Space - Lisa Henry
October 2015
read and rated
reviewed: Daron's Guitar Chronicles: Reunited and It Feels So Good (for a bit, anyway)
I am not sure what there is left to say about volume 7 that I haven't said before about volume 1 through 6 before. Except tha...
Daron's Guitar Chronicles: Volume Seven - Cecilia Tan
read and rated
reviewed: Daron's Guitar Chronicles: The Epic Breakup.
So, Volume 6 of Daron's Guitar Chronicles is probably the oddest volume of any romance series ever, since it doesn't feature ...
Daron's Guitar Chronicles: Volume Six - Cecilia Tan
September 2015
reviewed: DBR: Orion's Circle. Or 'Woobie and the Three Alpha Woobies'.
Drunken Buddy Read with Kate. Set up: We purchase what we hope will be a craptastic m/m book, choose our poison and start rea...
Orion's Circle (Sirius Wolves Book 1) - Victoria  Sue
September 2015
May 2015
More and more beautiful people (who do not know how beautiful they are and some of them do not know they are gay) are hooking...
February 2015
url: Kindlebox