Currently reading

Darkover: First Contact
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Another Rock Star
Paula Coots
Progress: 53 %
Three Men in a Boat
Jerome K. Jerome
The Complete Sherlock Holmes with an introduction from Robert Ryan
Robert Ryan, Arthur Conan Doyle
Progress: 7 %

Christo Contemporary

The Dogs of Balboa - Rose Christo

Not Christo's best, but it comes together in the end.

The start of this book is a bit messy and repetitive, with Michael's self recrimination approaching the dreaded 'wallow' and not a whole lot happening, but after the gut punch of the Day of the Dead celebration it tightens up admirably.

The characters are memorable, as is always the case with Christo. This just needed another beta reader, I think.

If you have a high threshold for Teen Angst, go for it.