Currently reading

Darkover: First Contact
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Another Rock Star
Paula Coots
Progress: 53 %
Three Men in a Boat
Jerome K. Jerome
The Complete Sherlock Holmes with an introduction from Robert Ryan
Robert Ryan, Arthur Conan Doyle
Progress: 7 %

Fabulous, fabulous bitches

The Sonsov Bitches - Niklas Leavy

This book doesn't seem to be available anymore, at least I can't find it anywhere and I think that is a shame.

Granted, this book is a hot mess. The editing, the story structure, the occasional travelogue, the repetitiveness, the wandering POV (including the recently gone virtually extinct Omniscient Narrator), but by god, it's fun. It's fun in the way that Tell Me It's Real tried to be (and failed miserably at). Sure, this one misses the mark on occasion, but I'd say that about 80% of the time it works just fine. It's a book full of fabulous flaming queens and thus -inevitably- completely over the top and that is all you need to know.

If you feel like stabbing yourself in the eye if you have to read one more book about grunty alpha males, this would be the perfect antidote. If you can manage to lay your hands on it, of course.