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Darkover: First Contact
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Another Rock Star
Paula Coots
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Three Men in a Boat
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The Complete Sherlock Holmes with an introduction from Robert Ryan
Robert Ryan, Arthur Conan Doyle
Progress: 7 %

My 30-Day October Challenge: Day 22

At Swim, Two Boys - Jamie O'Neill Fade (In the Company of Shadows, #3) - Santino Hassell,  Ais
Reblogged from Les Aventures De Léna Léna :

Day 22: A book that makes you cry


The only two books in recent memory that made me cry. I don't like books that wallow in misery and try to make you cry. I detest Amy Lane books.


At Swim, Two Boys hit me on the very last page. The last chapters weren't exactly a walk in the park, but getting that little overview of how those events fucked up the rest of their lives pushed me over the edge.


Fade hits you in the opening chapters. I'm crediting Ais with writing Boyd's reaction so very realistically that it really moved me. Thank God this one ends happy.