Currently reading

Darkover: First Contact
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Another Rock Star
Paula Coots
Progress: 53 %
Three Men in a Boat
Jerome K. Jerome
The Complete Sherlock Holmes with an introduction from Robert Ryan
Robert Ryan, Arthur Conan Doyle
Progress: 7 %

My 30-Day October Challenge: Day 18

Divide & Conquer - Abigail Roux, Madeleine Urban A Feast for Crows - George R.R. Martin A Crown of Swords - Robert    Jordan Shadows Return - Lynn Flewelling Bulletproof - Mary Calmes Naamah's Kiss - Jacqueline Carey Children of the Mind - Orson Scott Card Children of Dune - Frank Herbert
Reblogged from Les Aventures De Léna Léna :

Day 18: A book that disappointed you


This post is dedicated to all the fucking series that didn't know when to just write an end and to stop milking the cash cow.